Latest news:

  • Social Care Tapas. Social Care Future are again organising a social event on the first night of NCASC and you are invited to join. Social Care Tapas offers people the opportunity to join fellow NCASC delegates for good food and conversation.  Booking must be made in advance and is on a first-come, first-served basis. Full details can be found in this flyer. This was a very popular event last time around so we suggest you book early to avoid disappointment.  Please note: Social Care Tapas night it is not an official part of the NCASC programme. Therefore, please use the information and contact details on the flyer rather than using the NCASC booking / email contact details.  Our thanks to Social Care Future for again organising this event for NCASC delegates.
  • Sir Martyn Oliver confirmed. We are delighted to confirm that Sir Martyn Oliver, HMCI, Ofsted, will be joing us on day 2 of conference.
  • Stephen Kinnock confirmed Stephen Kinnock, Minister of State for Care will be delivering a keynote address to conference. 
  • Bookings are now open. Please follow the link in the main menu to book your delegate places. 
  • Draft programme. A draft programme is now available. Find out more

We look forward to seeing you in Liverpool in November.


We have partnered with the Liverpool Convention Bureau to bring together the best options for accommodation for the event. Please follow the link in the main menu to book your accommodation. 

Our Community

Partners in wider public services, the voluntary, community and private sectors who work in this area – from suppliers to providers – will also be in attendance offering a unique opportunity to draw together over 1000 delegates with a shared interest in the breadth of this policy area.

Our Exhibition

The exhibition will be at the heart of the conference and where all catering will be located. 

For more information or to book your place visit our exhibition page.

Who should attend?

The event is aimed at all those from local and central government, voluntary organisations and the private sector with an interest in the provision of effective services for children, young people, their families and adults, including health, social care and education.

The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS)

The Association of Directors of Children’s Services (ADCS)

The Local Government Association (LGA)